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Metal-Cored Wires have been in the welding industry for a significant period of time, however, there are many that still unfamiliar with this technology.

As a result, there several misconceptions about the operation; some of these myths include:

Myth No. 1

Metal Cored Wire is only for semi-automatic welding

Aside from its many uses, Metal Cored Wire performs quite well in robotic welding applications. The tubular structure of the wire helps produce a broad penetration profile, which offers a greater tolerance for part fit-up and gap handling, as opposed to solid wires.

This feature can make up for the offset tooling or inaccurate stamping in robotic welding applications.

The Metal Cored Wire also provides a faster travel speed and a higher deposition rate, as compared to solid wires. This adds to the level of productivity that top companies seek from their robotic welding systems.

Another benefit of Metal Cored Wires is the high weld quality it can produce. It has a smooth, wide bead appearance, which offers excellent mechanical properties, with minimal spatter.

The efficiency benefit here is that there is a reduction in the post-weld cleanup of spatter and given that uptime is key in robotic welding applications, this allows for faster production.

Myth No. 2

Metal Cored Wire costs more so it increases expenses in the welding operation

Per kilogram, metal cored wire usually costs more than other solid wires, however, in the long-run, the attributes of the metal cored wire have the potential to reduce overall costs in the welding operation.

Metal Cored Wire can weld through dirt, oil and mill scale, producing very little spatter, as a result eliminating the non-value-added activities of the welding operation. Non-Value-Added activities refer to grinding, chipping, sandblasting and the application of anti-scatter compound; these are elements that don’t contribute to the throughput.

By getting past these activities, companies make it possible for themselves to reduce their costs of labor and supplies. In certain cases, organisations could relocate labor to other areas of the welding operation to increase productivity.

Myth No. 3

Metal Cored Wire cannot be used for pulsed MIG welding

Welders can gain the same benefits, such as forgiveness, ease of use and high deposition rates, from using pulsed MIG welding with metal-cored wires as when performing the weld flat or horizontally with a CV Power Source.

In fact, for out of position welding, it is necessary to maintain control of the weld pool using pulsing.

Advances in welding power sources feature sophisticated pulsed wave capabilities which ensure that it is easy to maintain a stable arc and also achieve consistent weld quality with metal-cored wires.

Myth No. 4

Metal Cored Wire has different strength properties than solid wire

Metal cored wired and a solid wire come under the same classifications in the American Welding Society (AWS) and provide the same minimal tensile and yield strength, as well as the same elongation and Charpy V Notch Impact Properties.

Myth No. 5

Metal Cored Wire is harder to weld than solid wire

In semi-automatic conditions, welders will see that solid wires weld slower than metal-cored wires, which doesn’t make it a tougher operation.

In terms of torch angles, the overall technique is the same be it the metal-cored wire or the solid wire.

Metal-Cored wires also provide a greater degree of forgiveness in some areas of the welding process as compared to solid wires. Welders will be able to make larger beads without weaving or manipulating the welding gun or the weld pool. The wider arc cone provides a greater tolerance of gaps and poor fit-up, which reduces the risk of burning through the base material.

One of the problems facing manufacturers and welders in today’s day and age is that the customer’s demands for improved quality is on the rise, but the cost of weld failures is still the same.

So how can companies improve under these strenuous circumstances?
- It all works out with effective planning, training and the constant monitoring of the welding operation.

a. Establishing Forgiving Welding Procedures

The further an element has moved during the welding procedure, the increased is the time and cost of addressing failures and poor weld quality. Hence, it is vital to set in place a system that gives welders a degree of flexibility to make it easier to achieve high welding quality.

Bear in mind that a few applications require following AWS standards, whereas others may be more rigid on the practices.

To begin with, in order to minimise waste, it is ideal to make test welds to determine how a certain weld size or penetration profile can be maintained; or be tested on other materials. This information can blend into the weld application giving welders the necessary parameters to obtain the desired outcome.

Further options to implement for achieving minimal wastage include:

i. Filler Metals That Allow for Variation In Skill Level:

These are metal cored wires with a flatter weld bead and a greater tolerance for dirty or coated material. There generate a wider penetration profile and are similar in operation to solid wires.

Another variant is gas shielded flux cored wires, which simplify vertical welding. They can gain good welding penetration and flat bead appearance.

ii. Processes Supporting High Weld Quality:

MIG welding offers a synergic setting that allows for the adjustment of the voltage or the power to the arc automatically, as ad when the wire feed speed is altered. This process will make it easier to produce a high-quality weld as it doesn’t require a manual setting, limiting the potential of human error.

In addition to having practices to ensure good weld quality, a flexible weld procedure with the following can make training easier to understand:

b. Design for Weldability

Designing components which allow a high-quality weld is an important element in the welding process. Parts that can be accessed easily, prevent the welder from manoeuvring awkwardly, eliminating the risk of loss of weld pool control.

It is highly recommended to design parts that can be welded in the flat and horizontal positions. These are the positions that offer increased control in the weld process.

Furthermore, a weld joint design, which can manage gaps and avoid poor fit ups is best suited for welding. Ensure that stamping and forming of parts upstream is consistent, so that as the parts enter the welding cell, they can be in the best possible condition to create an accurate weld. The importance of this process increases the more complex the components get.

c. Sustaining Quality

Setting limits on welding equipment is an effective way to maintain good quality welding through welders. Several power sources allow welding managers to set limits for each individual welding procedure. These can be set to a +/-10% range, which also allows welders the flexibility to adjust the process to their preferences without compromising on weld quality.

Another way to ensure sustained weld quality, with complex assemblies and several parts is to provide clear cut and concise instructions to welders. Directions on tacking and welding, which include the sequence of welds, staggering welds and weld length, can limit poor fit up and reduce gaps that would require reworking.

d. Periodic Reviews

To ensure high levels of weld quality, it is vital to monitor operations on a regular basis. For this a periodic review of welding procedures and parameters is essential to confirm that the general manufacturing and fabrication processes are yielding positive results. 

When looking at ways to improve aspects in the welding process, such as productivity, quality and cost savings, the important factors are equipment, filler, metals and labor.

The weight and kind of welding wire packaging, also makes a significant difference.

The anticipated results, when making the choice, is the balancing of time and cost for the changeover of the package with the material to be used and the rate at which product consumption will occur.

Too small of filler metal packaging will increase changeover rates and too large of packaging can lead to the welding wire sitting on the shop floor for an extended period of time. This inevitably leads to potential moisture pickup on the wire and a poor welding quality.

Available Packaging Options

There are three available packing methods for welding wires: Spools, Coils and Drums. The equipment available and the production volume determine the best size and weight for the job.

Welding Wire Spools include a hub on circular fiberboard, plastic or steel flanges that mounts on the spindle assembly of a bench feeder. Spools are usually available in 15 to 25 KGS for industrial grade applications. There are smaller sizes available for commercial and special applications.

Welding Wire Coils usually come in weights between 23 to 27 KGS and consist of wire wound around a cardboard insert. These coils do not have the hub required for mounting on a wire feeder and hence, require an adapter. The adapter increases the cost of the operation, but is designed for multiple uses. The upfront cost for coils is usually lesser than spools.

Welding Wire Drums typically used for carbon and low-alloy steel are usually weighed between 225 to 450 KGS and are designed to withstand high-volume operations. However, some filler metal manufacturers supply 45 to 135 KG Drums for aluminum welding wire.

Reasons to Change

The most common reason to change the packaging is cost. Bulk welding wire in heavy drums requires less changeover – resulting in reduced downtime allowing increased times for welding.
It is understood that labor is the largest contributing factor in the welding operation cost, hence, minimizing the amount of time operators change over the wire is critical.

A few bulk package options can have a higher cost per KG, but with minimized changeover and the labor costs associated, this difference is more than made up.

Further, to simplify recycling and waste disposal an organization can consider converting from fiberboard spools to welding wire on steel reels that can be placed in the steel bin for recycling.

Some manufacturers offer cardboard welding wire drums without the metal ring at the top and these are 100% recyclable. These factors will be appealing to organizations that are looking to reduce waste or to streamline their recycling programs.

There are several factors to consider when converting to a different welding wire packaging:

a. Environmental Exposure: Certain welding wires absorb moisture outside of their original packaging. Drum packaging can offer protection as the wire is contained within during storage and use. This assists in the reduction of exposure to dust and dirt from the surrounding environment that can lead to feeding issues. Certain welding codes dictate the amount of time a wire can be out of its original packaging and exposed to the surrounding environment. The selected packaging will need to be large enough to do the job but small enough to be used in the given time period to avoid scrapping the welding wire.

b. Proper Setup: When converting to a drum, welding operators need to receive the proper training for setup to ensure a smooth wire feeding and a good welding performance.

c. Material Handling: For spools that weigh more than 23KGS, welders should consider team-lifting the wire while adding it to the feeder. Welding wire drums need a forklift or drum lifter to move the package into the required position in the weld cell. Each drum has a specific lifting equipment.

d. Required Accessories: A welding wire coil requires adapters that allow it to be mounted on the wire feeder. Companies will need to invest in conduits and fittings when converting to a drum. The conduit bridges the wire from the drum to the feeder to help ensure a smooth wire delivery. The fittings help to create a firm connection between the drum and the conduit. These accessories are used in conjunction with drum hoods, which also help smooth wire feeding and reduce the opportunity for dirt or debris to enter the drum. 

An increased number of companies are beginning a training program for welders; this brings the opportunity to train welders to weld at standards fit for each specific application.

Training Basics

To have an effective training program for welders, the training goes beyond just welding techniques. It is key to instil positive mannerisms from the beginning - these that apply to the entire process, before even striking an arc.

There are many areas that can be considered when training:

1. Welding Safety and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Safety is of utmost importance in the welding process and is ideally the first step in new welder training. New welders need to familiarise themselves with the power source(s) they will use for a safe setup and operation.

It is imperative to instruct new welders on the importance of checking ground connections along the TIG torch cables or the MIG gun to nullify the risk of electrical shock.

PPE is an essential aspect of new welder training. Managers must ensure that new welders know how to wear safety glasses under their welding helmet, not only while welding but also when conducting non-welding related tasks in the welding cell.

The PPE Kit should include steel-toe boots, flame-resistant long sleeve jackets and pants and gloves.

2. Filler Metals
These are often a misunderstood aspect of the welding operation, and it is common even for seasoned welders to be unfamiliar with these at time.

This is the information that gives welders the information on the type of weld a specific product will produce.

To further understand the classifications, consider the E71T-1C gas shielded – flux cored wire. Under AWSA5.20/A5.20M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding, the breakdown is:

1. E – The wire is an Electrode
2. 7 – The wire provides 70,000 psi tensile strength
3. 1 – The wire can be welded in all positions (0 would imply suitability for flat or horizontal welding)
4. T-1 – The wire is tubular and the 1 suggests that the wire is a DCEP multi-pass wire with a rutile base slag
5. C/M – The wire can be used with either 100% CO2 or mixed gases

Each individual classification system is customised to the filler metal alloy and the process to be used.

It is important to note that not all filler metals with the same AWS Specifications function equally. Whilst each manufacturer of filler metals must ensure they meet the minimum requirement for specific classification, there is a likelihood that one wire may run differently to another.

New welders must be given the training required to understand the different welding techniques associated with a particular filler metal and welding process.

Bear in mind that varying weld joints and welding positions require a slight variation in techniques as well as machine setting adjustments.

3. Welding Procedures & Filler Metal Data Sheets
As part of the training procedure, new welders must learn to read and interpret welding procedure specifications (WPS).

These specifications provide welders with the essential information required to support essential quality and operation. These include:

a. Type of Shielding Gas Mixture
b. Shielding Gas Flow Rate
c. Type & Diameter of Filler Metal
d. Voltage & Amperage Ranges
e. Wire Feed Speeds
f. Preheat & Interpass Temperatures

To prove that new welders can apply the WPS in an application effectively, they need to be tested and be given qualifications to portray that they can complete each weld to the appropriate quality.

A welder qualification record (WQR) can be filed with the WPS as evidence.

4. Machine Setup and New Technologies
It is one thing for a new welder to learn the pulling of a trigger on a MIG gun, but it is a completely new ball game for a new welder to set up a power source from scratch.

It is necessary to implement the understanding of the differences between amperage and voltage and how these will reflect on the weld appearance.

While it is essential to learn to use the power source on hand, it is also vital to keep an open mind about new technologies. The welding industry isn’t known to have evolving technologies at the pace of ither industries, but the evolution here is fairly regular.

Organisations that implement their own training for new welders are in prime position to gain mutual benefits. Whilst welders are increasing their knowledge and refining their skill set, they invariably bring more value to the welding operation and in turn to the business. 

Filler metals are often a complicated area of welding operations.

Similar to any area of welding, training is important for increase weld quality and productivity to reduce rework downtime.

Below are five filler metal know hows to ensure welding success:

a. Understanding Filler Metal Classifications

The more common and widely accepted organisation, which classifies filler metals is the American Welding Society (AWS). A filler metal classification, in a nutshell, provides information on the product’s characteristics, such as:

i. Usability
ii. Allowable Welding Positions
iii. Tensile Strength
iv. Shielding Gas (If Applicable)
v. Chemistry or Composition

This is the information that gives welders the information on the type of weld a specific product will produce.

To further understand the classifications, consider the E71T-1C gas shielded – flux cored wire. Under AWSA5.20/A5.20M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding, the breakdown is:

1. E – The wire is an Electrode
2. 7 – The wire provides 70,000 psi tensile strength
3. 1 – The wire can be welded in all positions (0 would imply suitability for flat or horizontal welding)
4. T-1 – The wire is tubular and the 1 suggests that the wire is a DCEP multi-pass wire with a rutile base slag
5. C/M – The wire can be used with either 100% CO2 or mixed gases

Each individual classification system is customised to the filler metal alloy and the process to be used.

b. Match the Filler Metal & Base Material

There isn’t a one stop solution filler metal for each and every job; the filler metal and base material must be compatible.
In order to create an immaculate weld while welding two identical metals, it is imperative to match the properties of the filler metal to that of the base metal. With a good match regarding the chemistry, it is a knock-on effect that the tensile and yield strength too, will match.

Below are some common occurrences that welders could encounter while trying to match the filler metal and base material:

i. If a welder is joining base materials of varying strengths, the filler metal should be paired to the weaker of the two base materials. A weld design is only as strong as the weakest material.
ii. The filler metal must be able to withstand conditions of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT), should the material need to be stress relieved.
iii. If the welder is unsure of the base material being welded, they could use a spectrometer for chemical analysis or by observing the reactions to a flame or a magnet.

c. Pair the Filler Metal and Welding Process

Welding operations have a prerequisite of matching the filler metal to the welding process. Hence, new welders will not only need to know the machine’s capabilities, but they would need to know the intended operations of the filler metal.

Metal-cored and solid wires a usually used for flat and horizontal position welding. Should there be a requirement to weld out of position, welders have the option of using a flux cored wire, or they would need to use a short circuit method to prevent the leaking of the molten weld pool from the joints.

Furthermore, the duty cycle and maximum current offered by the power cycle will confirm the parameters and filler metal size to be used. The larger the diameter of the filler metal the higher the power output required from the power source.

d. Correct Welding Parameters for the Filler Metal

Manufacturers of filler metals formulate the welding wires to function between specific parameters. Depending on the code, these parameters can be different for the same filler metal.

The recommended welding parameters are usually on the product data sheet, there provide critical information such as:
i. The suggested shielding gas or shielding gas mixture.
ii. Type of Welding Current – Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP) or Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN).
iii. The amperage, wire feed speed and voltage required according to filler metal type and diameter.
iv. Filler Metal Chemistry
v. Filler Metal Testing Data
vi. Recommended Applications
vii. Contact-Tip-To-Work-Distance (CTWD)

Welders must always use the appropriate technique for welding, in the sense, solid wire and metal cored wire would require a push technique, however, a flux cored wire requires a drag technique because of the slag production.

e. Store Filler Metals Properly

To ensure that the filler metals perform well and create good quality welds, they must be stored as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. The proper storage of filler metals allows for the elimination of waste because the likelihood of damaged products is less.

Foreign contaminants and moisture are not suitable for filler metals, this can lead to porosity, hydrogen-induced cracking and several weld defects. Filler metals should be stored in a dry and climate-controlled area in original packing, until ready to use. It is vital to allow the filler metal to acclimate to the temperature before unboxing.

Once the box has been opened, it is important for welders to ensure that they follow the instructions for reconditioning them to remove moisture. 

Five Causes of Weld Failures & How to Prevent Them

Weld failures often are a result of cracking or inclusions, but there are several other issues that can contribute to weld failures.

There is the possibility for weld failures to be catastrophic should they occur in a load-bearing application. The goal is to identify and prevent the scope for failure prior to a weld entering service to avoid personal injury of property damage.

While safety is the number one reason for preventing weld failures, it is important to factor in elements like lost productivity and increased costs which are associated with reworking poor-quality welds.

By understanding the common reasons for weld failures and the preventative measures that can be implemented, welders can maintain increased levels of quality and efficiency.

Below are five common reasons for weld failures and their prevention:

Reason One: Poor Part or Weld Design

Insufficient weld size, as a result of design errors or an incorrect interpretation of the part design can cause weld failures. This is the consequence of the inability of an undersized weld to support the intended load in a static structure. A weld that is too small for a certain application, will fail from tension, compression or bending. Should a weld be made in an application which applies a cyclical load, it is an advantage to consider a filler metal option with increased impact toughness and ductility.

When it comes to a highly restrained joint, it is critical to meet the required size, otherwise there is a potential of cracking. In such cases where it is unavoidable to have a restrained joint, welds which have a proper depth to width ratio can help to reduce the chances of cracks in the weld. To reduce the risk of weld cracking in a restrained joint, it is recommended to have proper welding parameters to ensure than an adequate weld profile is produced.

Factor of Safety (FoS) is an important element that should be taken into account during the design phase as it establishes the maximum intended and the allowable stress for the joint and ensures that the component being produced is able to withstand loads greater than is intended.

Should a weld fail, there is a likelihood that the intended maximum load has not been communicated effectively or the factor of safety is too low for the design. It is the engineer’s responsibility to consider foreseeable misuse of products.

In most cases, it is desirable to make a weld with a matching filler metal strength, however, that is subject to change depending on the application and the base material being welded. In some circumstances it is valuable to design the weldment with an overmatch in filler metal strength.

Certain applications are best served with an undermatch in strength in order to improve fatigue life or weldability. Besides strength, an important aspect to consider during the weld design is chemistry, to gain proper fusion and the desired weld properties.

Reason Two: Inadequate Welding Procedure

Neglection in following the proper welding procedure or writing an inadequate procedure contribute heavily to weld failure. Properly written procedures with appropriate preheat and interpass temperatures slow the cooling rate in the base material and weld deposit. Ultimately, this reduces the risk of hydrogen cracking when welding carbon or low alloy steels.

When creating a welding procedure, one should refer to the filler metal product data sheet for the welding parameter recommendations. This is important because each filler metal has a varying characteristic set and the parameters are not a one size fits all element. Proper parameter ranges on the welding procedure ensure consistent high-quality welds.

It is imperative to ensure that the correct welding polarity is being used in accordance with the welding procedure and filler metal procedures.

Another major influence on the weld quality and general weld deposit characteristics is the shielding gas. Higher argon content in the shielding gas mixture increases the strength but lowers the ductility; whereas higher degrees of carbon dioxide lower strength and increase ductility.

Welders should ensure that the shielding gas being used is within the recommended range by the filler metal manufacturer.

Reason Three: Stress Risers

Stress Risers are a result of poor weld design and inadequate welding procedures or techniques. They appear in the form of weld defects or discontinuities that cause stress on the weld and can lead to failures by breaking or cracking.
There are several types of stress risers and way to prevent them:

a. Porosity is the occurrence of gas being trapped in the weld during solidification. This typically results from the surrounding environment or improper shielding while welding. Shielding gas can also be trapped and cause porosity. This issue can be prevented with proper part preop and removal of moisture from the weld area.
b. Hot Cracking typically shows in the longitudinal direction of the weld in high temperatures or almost immediately after cooling. Sometimes, it takes the form of segregation cracking, which happens when elements with low melting points reject the centre of the weld upon solidification. To prevent cracking, the filler metal and the base material properties need to be carefully matched.
c. Cold Cracking occurs at temperatures below 300 degrees Celsius and is not immediately noticeable. This is referred to as the hydrogen induced or heat affected zone cracking. Low hydrogen filler metals and preheating the base material are good defences against this.
d. Undercut is a result of excessive voltage and an incorrect travel angle. Underfill is caused by travel speeds that are too fast for a particular deposition rate. Reducing the travel speed to give time for an adequate fill and reducing voltage can be used to remedy the issue. Increasing the diameter of the wire can slow down travel speeds and allow for proper deposition and fill rates.
e. Inclusions are a result of foreign materials in the weld. Burrs on the base material or slag from a shielded metal arc welding electrode or a flux core arc welding wire also cause inclusions. The remedy for this is to properly clean the base material and use the drag technique to keep slag out of the weld pool.

Reason Four: Poor Welding Technique

Poor welding techniques can be a result of lack of training, welding operators with low skill sets or experienced welders with bad habits. Whatever the cause, these incorrect techniques can cause weld failures.

To prevent issues like undercut or an improper sized weld, it is important to use the proper work and travel angles. These angles vary depending on the filler metal being used.

Work Angle is the position of the welding gun or electrode in relation to the vertical member of the weld joint.

Travel Angle is the position of the filler metal in relation to the weld pool and direction of travel.

The contact tip to weld distance (CTWD) is an important factor that welders need to be mindful of, in order to avoid poor weld quality and weld failures.

A CTWD that is too long can cause an amperage drop, lack of penetration and loss of shielding gas.

Should the CTWD be too tight, porosity or worm tracks can present themselves when using flux core arc welding wires.

The correct travel speed can dramatically change weld size and bead appearance. Travelling too fast can cause a thin, undersized and ropey weld that lacks strength; whereas travelling too slow can lead to lack of penetration and a larger, flatter weld.

Reason Five: Incorrect Inspection or Testing

It is not necessary that all welding applications require weld testing or welding to code, nonetheless, welding codes prove to be a reliable and proven system to qualify welding procedures and guide welders to produce appropriate weld quality.

Welding inspection should be performed visually and regularly in all applications even if there is no requirement to adhere to welding codes. Floor managers should be critical of weld quality and make the inspection process a priority to avoid weld failures.

Putting in place a quality system for weld applications, and implementing training is key to avoiding weld failures. This benefits the entire weld operation and improves quality, productivity and cost savings. 

It is understood that productivity and cost savings play a vital role in tightly competitive industries. And to achieve those results in the welding industry, it is a matter of having the right equipment and filler metal, alongside the required level of welder skill to perform an efficient and accurate weld.

It is also advantageous to have a solid understanding of the weld procedures required for the application and to understand the filler metal classifications that will be used.

The more common and widely accepted organisation, which classifies filler metals is the American Welding Society (AWS). A filler metal classification, in a nutshell, provides information on the product’s characteristics, such as:

i. Usability
ii. Allowable Welding Positions
iii. Tensile Strength
iv. Shielding Gas (If Applicable)
v. Chemistry or Composition

This is the information that gives welders the information on the type of weld a specific product will produce.

The most important information that AWS Classifications provide are:

i. Whether the product is a stick electrode, solid wire or tubular wire.
ii. The position in which it should be used.
iii. It’s strength classifications.
iv. Its chemistry/ composition.

To further understand the classifications, consider the E71T-1C gas shielded – flux cored wire. Under AWSA5.20/A5.20M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding, the breakdown is:

1. E – The wire is an Electrode
2. 7 – The wire provides 70,000 psi tensile strength
3. 1 – The wire can be welded in all positions (0 would imply suitability for flat or horizontal welding)
4. T-1 – The wire is tubular and the 1 suggests that the wire is a DCEP multi-pass wire with a rutile base slag
5. C/M – The wire can be used with either 100% CO2 or mixed gases

Each individual classification system is customised to the filler metal alloy and the process to be used.

Irrespective of the filler metal being used, an understanding of the AWS Classification can help welders know the performance they will gain from a given product.

As with any element of the welding procedure, a deeper knowledge can result in a greater welding performance. 


11 August 2023

About Blumenotics:

Blumenotics Private Limited is a manufacturer of welding consumables such as filler metals, in India With a team of dedicated professionals and a commitment to excellence, we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the welding sector at competitive prices and exceptional customer service, all available in the USA.

FABTECH 2023: The Biggest Industry Event of the Year is Just One Month Away!

Bangalore, India - Blumenotics Private Limited is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming FABTECH 2023, which will be held at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL from 11th - 14th September 2023. The trade show promises to be an exceptional opportunity for industry professionals, investors, and enthusiasts to explore the latest trends, cutting-edge technologies, and groundbreaking solutions in the Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing sector.

What to Expect at FABTECH 2023:
The FABTECH is renowned for its commitment to showcasing the most innovative products and services in the Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing domain. Attendees can look forward to:

Exclusive Product Launches: Blumenotics will unveil its latest product line. Be among the first to witness the latest products we have to offer!

Expert Insights: Engage in thought-provoking discussions. Learn about the future of welding and how Blumenotics is spearheading advancements.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry leaders, potential partners, and other like-minded professionals. Build valuable relationships that can open doors to new business prospects.

Join Us at Booth #B28096:

We cordially invite all attendees to visit Blumenotics at booth #B28096 during FABTECH 2023. Our experienced team will be available to answer questions, provide detailed product information, and discuss potential collaborations.

To schedule a meeting with our team at the event, please contact Rahul Khater at +1 646 761 3920 or to reserve your time slot.

Event Details:
McCormick Place
Chicago, Illinois USA
Monday, September 11 - Thursday, September 14, 2023
For more information about FABTECH 2023, visit

We look forward to seeing you at FABTECH 2023!

Thanking you,
Blumenotics Team

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Bangalore, IND: The countdown has begun! With just one month to go, the Blumenotics team is well into show preparations and could not be more excited to see everyone at FABTECH 2022. We will be showcasing our complete product range of Welding Consumables and also our latest stainless steel line. Further details of product range can be found below:

Stick Electrode (SMAW)
1. BLUME® E6013
2. BLUME® E7018
3. BLUME® E308L-16 (NEW)
4. BLUME® E316L-16 (NEW)

Flux Cored Wire (FCAW)
1. BLUME® E71T-1C
2. BLUME® E308LT-1 (NEW)
3. BLUME® E309LT-1 (NEW)
4. BLUME® E316LT-1 (NEW)

CO2 Wire
1. BLUME® ER70S-6

Additionally, Blumenotics is also open to custom manufacturing Hardfacing Electrodes and Flux Cored Wires as per customer requirements and best suited to their application.

Samples of the above products will be available at our Booth No. C13309 in Hall C at Georgia World Congress Center.

With all the preparations for FABTECH 2022 in full force, Blumenotics Chief Technical Officer Thomas Sebastian said “Blumenotics’ main focus is always quality and consistency. Our QC team is constantly monitoring to ensure the highest quality of finished products only leave our premises”.

To ensure the quality of our products, we use high-quality raw materials in our manufacturing process so that our finished products become a testament to the excellence we believe in. Our experience, over the years, has brought us to a point where anything but the best is not an option.

Get in touch with us at for a promo code for FABTECH 2022! To schedule an appointment with us at FABTECH 2022, please email us at with your desired date and time.

See you in Atlanta!

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Bangalore, INDIA: Blumenotics Private Limited, manufacturers of Welding Wires and Electrodes, announce that they are exhibiting at FABTECH 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia from 8th November 2022 to 10th November 2022 and will be located at Booth No. C13309 in hall C at Georgia World Congress Centre. The Blumenotics team looks forward to meeting you for your welding consumable needs. Expo hours are as follows:
Tuesday           8th November 2022        10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Wednesday       9th November 2022        09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday          10th November 2022      09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
In relation to the company’s recent FABTECH participation announcement, Blumenotics’ CEO, Mr. Rajesh Khater said, “It is great to be participating in North America’s largest welding event; we hope to meet with people from the industry and show them how they can benefit by using BLUME® welding consumables. BLUME® offers quality welding consumables that conform to AWS standards at competitive prices and outstanding customer service. We believe this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful journey for BLUME® and its users”.
The highest quality, consistency, and on time delivery are the hallmarks of Blumenotics. We specialise in various welding consumables; like stick electrodes, flux cored wires, MIG wires, TIG rods. We have the capabilities to support welding requirements, with results par excellence. We supply high-quality products to our customers worldwide, who are leaders in fabrication, earth moving equipment and various other fields. With stringent quality control standards, our customers are assured of trouble free quality products.
To schedule a meeting with us at FABTECH 2022, email us at with your desired date and time. Upon hearing from you, we will also send you a promo code for FABTECH 2022!
See you in Atlanta!

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It is a matter of immense pleasure that Blumenotics Pvt. Limited has been recognised for its efforts and has been identified as a Top 10 Welding Consumable Manufacturer in India for 2021, by Industry Outlook.

We credit this to our value system; to work closely with our customers and understand their requirements; developing innovative welding consumables for the future. Our team strives to exceed our users' expectations through stringent measures put in place to ensure quality products from us. 

While we are pleased for this recognition, we believe that this is where we need to put in more efforts to scale greater heights, as this is just the beginning of a long road ahead. View the full article here

Blumenotics Team

We are proud to announce that Blumenotics Pvt. Limited has been recognised as a Nation Builder by the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It has been a great pleasure and honour to contribute to the National Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. We would like to thank India SME forum for this esteemed recognition.

We credit this recognition to our world class Research & Development facility, which uses sophisticated mechanisms to ensure that we grow with the nation. View our certificate here

Blumenotics Team

All Weld Metal Testing Done! We are proud to announce that we have completed the All Weld Metal Testing for our Flux Cored Wire BLUME E71T-1C at Trinity NDT Labs, Bangalore. The results received were outstanding. We always aim to reach and provide the highest quality of products and service and are thrilled to bring you BLUME E71T-1C.

Blumenotics Team

Blumenotics is thrilled to announce the launch of our new flux cored wire, BLUME® E71T-1C. This is an all position flux cored wire designed for optimum performance when using 100% CO2, shielding. The smooth metal transfer facilitates easy deposition of vertical-up stringer beads. Fillet contour is flat to slightly convex with equal leg lengths and uniform sidewall wetting. The slag coverage is complete and designed for easy removal. Weld metal is consistently free of inclusions and porosity for X-ray soundness. This wire is formulated to produce 20% less fume, minimal spatter and improved impact properties over conventional E71T-1 wires.

For inquires or to purchase please email us at or call us on +91 80 2528 3432.

Blumenotics Team

In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), Central and State Governments have begun mandating stay-at-home orders along with the closing of businesses or reduction of employees on-site, with the exception of essential services.

Our top priorities are the health & safety of our employees and our community. We are following guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as state and local governments, to maintain the safety of employees on-site. Our efforts include separating staff by off-setting shift hours or days and/or social distancing. Those employees who are able to work from home have been encouraged to do so.

We want to extend a special thanks to our employees, distributors and partners who are working together to do their part in these unprecedented times. Your cooperation and vigilance are appreciated.

We also want to thank our dedicated customers for your support and patience as we do our best to deliver the welding products you need. We understand you are also navigating challenges and we will continue to adapt to the current situation in order to best serve you.

We will continue to communicate any changes related to COVID-19 and our operations.

Blumenotics Team

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We are thrilled to announce that we will be exhibiting at FABTECH 2023 in Chicago, Illinois from 11th - 14th September 2023 and will be located at Booth No. B28096 in hall B at McCormick Place. The Blumenotics team looks forward to meeting you for your welding consumable needs. Expo hours are as follows:
Monday             11th September 2022     09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday            12th September 2022     09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday       13th September 2022     09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday           14th September 2022     09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
To schedule a meeting with us at FABTECH 2022, email us at with your desired date and time. Upon hearing from you, we will also send you a promo code for FABTECH 2023!
See you in Chicago!

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Blumenotics Private Limited
An ISO 9001:2015 Company
CIN No U51109WB1995PTC073476        

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